General contractors often do not have any control over what they build, or where they built it. They can use their influence to encourage projects to pursue 3rd party sustainability certifications like LEED, Envision, SITES,…
Although general contractors are not responsible for deciding what and where to build, there is a significant impact that their construction projects have on the environment. Until now, there has not been a way to…
In today’s ever-changing business world, the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) framework has become increasingly important. As we pay more attention to ESG, one crucial element stands out: the need to share information about how…
Lauren Breckenridge, LEED APSustainability Associate at Green Badger In an age when sustainability and human well-being are at the forefront of global concerns, the construction industry faces significant challenges in reducing its environmental impact and…
While there is some overlap with the historically industry-leading LEED standard, WELL provides a deep dive into a broader focus on health and well-being.