
Green Badger - ESG Resources for Construction
August 16, 2024

ESG Resources for Sustainable Construction

Are you looking for a comprehensive overview of Green Badger’s ESG Resources? You’re in the right place! We’ve compiled a list of all the ESG resources for sustainable construction that your project teams need for…

April 20, 2021

Green Badger Launches Jobsite Sustainability Portal

Green Badger, the champ of streamlining and automating the building construction process, has just launched a Jobsite Sustainability Portal.

December 9, 2020

For Construction Pros GroundBreakers Podcast Episode featuring Green Badger

In this episode of GroundBreakers, Tommy Linstroth, CEO of Green Badger, shares how his company’s cloud-based LEED documentation platform can save contractors time and cost by automating the documentation process, reducing the complexity of LEED project management and ensuring LEED requirements are actually met.