LEED v4.1 Materials Submittal Cover Sheet
There is no industry standard for LEED submittal cover sheets. You can create your own, see if anyone on your project team has a standard template they've used in the past – or you can download our free submittal cover sheet template for submitting your LEED v4.1 product data.
Download your LEED v4.1 Materials Submittal Cover Sheet Template
Using a LEED submittal cover sheet
There are some pretty easy best practices that can really facilitate the documentation for materials and even low-emitting products.
Here’s one that you think would be commonplace, but at least in this Badger’s neck of the woods (literally), we don’t see all that frequent – using a required LEED Submittal Cover Sheet for all subcontractors. By having a coversheet, where you require the subcontractor to provide cost and any relevant LEED data (recycled content percentages, distance from extraction and manufacture, VOC content, etc), you get all this information upfront. Or reject the submittal and send it back. Pretty straightforward.
Our submittal cover sheet template has sections to record information about:
- Manufacturer Name
- Product Name
- Product Costs (only exclude install labor) ($)
- Product Specific (PS) or Industry-Wide (IW) Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
- EPD Optimization (GWP reduction)
- FSC Certified Wood Products (%)
- Post-Consumer Recycled
Content (%) - Pre-Consumer Recycled Content (%)
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- Material Ingredient Reporting (to 1000 ppm)
Send out the LEED submittal cover sheet to all subs at the beginning of the project, let them know it is required, boom – you’re on your way.
No more getting 175-page submittals from the subs saying, “Here’s my LEED stuff”. This puts the onus on them to find the exact LEED information, making them part of the process, and making your life easier. We also provide some additional references, notes, and definitions in the second tab of the spreadsheet for you!
Our template also has sections to track VOC content related to:
- CDPH Emissions testing compliance
- VOC Content (g/L)
- Wet-Applied Products Volume Used (L)
- If Wood Products are ULEF or NAUF12
- If Wood Products are CARB exempt