How do I export reports?

For construction IAQ, there are two export options. You can export an individual report by selecting that report and exporting it on its own. In your final documentation, you do not need to submit every single report to USGBC, so we suggest you select a handful from your log that cover the project, export them, download them, and that is what you submit. You can also export all of your reports, as well as all of your images and your IAQ management plan, using the main export feature. Simply click export, select whether you want all the reports, a separate zip file with all the images, or the IAQ management plan, hit export, and you will get a zip file with all your project documentation.

Indoor Air Quality Management (IAQ) Exports Available in Green Badger:

• All Reports – Zip file with pdfs of all IAQ reports created using Green Badger,
• Images –  Zip file of all pictures taken using Green Badger,
• IAQ Management Plan – PDF of the project IAQ plan if uploaded by the team.

Individual reports can be exported using the export button on the right side of each report.