Requirements for the SSp1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention credit in LEED v4/v4.1
Project teams are required to create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all construction activities associated with the project.
- The plan must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements of the 2017 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction General Permit (CGP) or local equivalent, whichever is more stringent.
- Projects must apply the CGP regardless of size.
- The plan must describe the measures implemented.
These are the same requirements for pretty much any version of LEED, but note that using v4.1 requires compliance with the 2017 version of the EPA CGP - if your state hasn’t updated to that version, you’ll be better off sticking to LEED v4 which relies on the 2012 standard - if that’s an option for your project.
Learn more about earning construction activity pollution prevention in the Ultimate Guide to LEED v4 Construction.